2018 to 2023

Fr. David Garcia

In his nearly half century of service to God and mankind in San Antonio, “Father David” has become as venerable an institution as the local historic structure with which he’s been most closely associated. In the process he extended the Fiesta spirit into a venue no less prominent than San Fernando Cathedral, where a relatively quiet and hardly known “Fiesta en la Villa de San Fernando” had been going on for decades. Fr. Garcia revamped the event to become “Fiesta San Fernando” and, with official PMO status, he served as its PMO President. The Cathedral’s increased Fiesta visibility and participation eventually grew to include another officially recognized event, the annual Fiesta Mass that welcomes attendees and participants of all religious denominations. As large an audience as the Mass attracts, thanks to nationwide and global television broadcasts, Fr. Garcia offers it humbly to bestow blessings on all who make Fiesta possible.

Margo Uriegas Griffith
If ever a Fiesta volunteer has intended to promote an official event to the four corners of the globe, Margo would fit that description. Not only is she credited with conceptualizing and presenting “Pinatas in the Barrio” and, with it, its own King, Queen and Royal Court, but also the creation of the event’s signature and much-coveted Pinata Sceptors which are presented to Fiesta and visiting dignitaries alike. Along the way her focus is always on the senior citizens and youth of San Antonio’s Westside neighborhoods who benefit most from funds raised. It is, however, Margo’s tireless and highly successful efforts to publicize and promote the event that are truly remarkable. Her accomplishments have encompassed virtually all local print, television and radio opportunities as well as a live interview of the Senior Citizen King by hosts of “The Today Show” and her own capacity as a community liaison for the Spanish-language version of “People Magazine.”

Maria Ramirez
While some Order inductees hail from the ranks of FSAC’s PMOs, others are recognized for their direct volunteer efforts on behalf of the Fiesta Commission itself. Such is the case with Maria who, while being a member of and working with a number of PMOs each year, has primarily devoted her time and talents in direct support of Fiesta’s coordinating body. She’s enhanced enthusiasm at Board of Commissioners meetings by introducing post-meeting raffles and she coordinates a display of an oversized version of each year’s official poster in lobby areas of headquarter hotels. And, for visiting dignitaries, Maria prepares and presents floral arrangements and gift bags of commemorative Fiesta items to remember their experiences long after they’ve returned to their homes.
Charles Barrett
Former El Rey Feo and former Fiesta Commission President Charles Barrett has been chosen for induction into the Order of the Cascaron.
His first involvement with Fiesta was in 2000 when he filled the role of the U. S. Coast Guard’s representative to San Antonio’s civic celebration. A little more than a decade later he raised a then-record $310,000 for LULAC Council #2’s Scholarship Fund which earned for him the honor of serving as El Rey Feo LIV during Fiesta 2002. During the succeeding two years, as Regent for what is now the Consejo Educational Foundation, he incorporated the organization and obtained its 501 (c) (3) tax status. First serving on the FSAC Executive Committee as Presidential Appointee in 2005, he then held the successive offices of Secretary, Treasurer, President-Elect, and President from 2006 through 2009.
During his presidency, Charles changed Fiesta’s traditional Friday morning opening ceremony into Thursday evening’s highly popular “Fiesta Fiesta” which, because of its timing, allows many more event organizers and participants to attend. Further, his support and individual efforts have benefited a broad array of Fiesta organizations, events, and key individuals.

Rhonda Kolm Calvert
If the thousands of Fiesta volunteers could be categorized into groups, one might be those who involve themselves in as many different Fiesta events and with their presenting organizations as their time allows. Another group might be those who choose to support one organization and its events with all of their time, talent and energy. Order of the Cascaron inductee Rhonda Kolm Calvert is an outstanding example of that second category of volunteers, having devoted at the time of her induction at least fifteen years to the over 600-member Battle of Flowers (BoF) Association. Her support began with the BoF’s Band Festival followed by years of leadership positions with the Battle of Flowers Parade and the Association’s Board of Directors, culminating with her presidency in 2016-18. Meanwhile, her steady and consistent work on behalf of the BoF also placed her in rolls with the Fiesta Commission itself as a Commissioner and as a member of its Executive Committee. Her motivation began and continues to be the rich histories of San Antonio and Fiesta which she works tirelessly to preserve and promote.

Larry Kurth
Few Fiesta volunteers can claim as much tenure on the FSAC’s governing body, its Executive Committee (EC), in less than a ten-year period as can Larry Kurth. His first experience was as the Presidential Appointee of Nick Garza who held the office of President in 1996-97. Next, Larry served as the EC’s Secretary for Fiesta 2000, and the following year as its Treasurer. The year after that he became Vice President of the FSAC, and was appointed in 2003 to the office of President-Elect. Then ultimately, he served as President of the FSAC for Fiesta 2005. While and in between holding those EC offices, Larry also headed a number of FSAC standing and ad hoc committees including Accreditation, By-Laws, Budget & Finance, Compliance, Insurance, Merchandise and an impressive list of others.
Due to the Corona Virus pandemic no new members
were inducted into the Order of the Cascaron in 2021 & 2022.

Tina Bast Drain
Tina's enthusiasm for volunteer activity is said to have begun naturally enough as a mom, working with PTA organizations during her children's elementary through high school years. Those experiences led her into community volunteerism, quite notably with the FSAC and its PMOs. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, she was a booth worker at the Conservation Society's Night In Old San Antonio (NIOSA) while she gained familiarity with other Fiesta organizations and their programs. Intent on contributing her time, talents, and energies to work for the betterment of others, in 2005, Tina began her association with the Rey Feo Education Foundation which resulted in raising over one million dollars through 2014 to be awarded as scholarship funds for area high school graduates. Her dedication can also be witnessed with diverse organizations such as the Military Civilian Club, the Paseo del Rio Association, and as an FSAC commissioner. However, it hasn't been all work and no fun, as Tina reigned as "Mud Queen" during Fiesta 2006.

Norma Reyes
Being in the company and sharing in the work of Fiesta Royalty is no isolated experience for Norma. She has been a key participant in the successful fundraising campaigns of at least five individuals who have worn the crown of Rey Feo (including her husband Fernando in 2007) and in 2004 her own home became a royal residence for the first time when her daughter, Allison, resided there as La Reina Feria de las Flores. And Norma's involvement with Fiesta's crowned heads does not stop there. She is credited in large part for the redirection of the Miss Fiesta competition to empower young ladies in the fields of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. She has also advocated for and donated to the Queen of Soul program. She has served as an FSAC commissioner and, as such, chaired or served as a member of various committees. Not to stray too far from her royal ties, however, she was Events Minister in the court of Rey Feo LXXIV, Larry Kurth, for Fiesta 2023.
*Indicates Deceased